Love for Life

Love For LifeIf you were given an option to be immortal, would you take it? In most cases – No. It is the time-limit put on us, that gives us the drive to live our lives. Top that with the many uncertainties that one can expect, which tends to put value on our lives… today we are alive, tomorrow we…

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THE WHAT AND THE WHY AND THE HOW OF FASHION “Who are you wearing?” Most of us, who have at some point in time watched celebrity talk shows or fashion events, have heard this phase. This simply means asking someone which Designer’s brand of clothes, shoes or other lifestyle accessories they are representing at the event… whether it a Louis…

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Attire Collection, a multi designer online fashion store

All products featured on Attire Collection are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission. Pure Leather bags made in Singapore Adding another feather to its bag error cap; the Attire Collection has partnered with Elfin Eligo, a globally renowned Singapore-based brand of pure leather bags. Following this…

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