Love For LifeIf you were given an option to be immortal, would you take it? In most cases – No. It is the time-limit put on us, that gives us the drive to live our lives. Top that with the many uncertainties that one can expect, which tends to put value on our lives… today we are alive, tomorrow we might not be! Having said that, living life is not easy. As quoted in Buddhism – “life is full of suffering”. So, then what determines the quality of one’s life? How can we love our life?In the wake of this pandemic, we all have realized the importance of our own existence. Practicing self-care and hygiene has been the main motto of this pandemic.Taking care of our self – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually has definitely increased the quality of our lives. In spite of the physical distancing, with the help of multiple online platforms, we all took time from our busy schedules to spend quality time and to stay in touch with our loved ones, virtually.
We have extended and have received respect, kindness, empathy, support, encouragement, positivity, and love, to and from people all over the globe, in various degrees of magnitude. Now isn’t this love for life?